Special Airline Fares for ILTS 2023 Attendees


AIR FRANCE and KLM have been chosen as the preferred airline for the ILTS 2023 Annual Congress.

ILTS 2023 attendees can benefit from special discounts of up to 15% on a wide range of public fares on all AIR FRANCE, KLM, and their code-shared flights worldwide. Discounts are valid for a travel period from April 26 until May 13, 2023. At the same time, you will earn miles with Flying Blue, Air France, and KLM’s frequent flyer program.


Event: The 2023 International Congress of ILTS, ELITA, and LICAGE
ID Code: 39082AF
Travel Valid Period: 26/04/2023 to 13/05/2023
Preferred arrival airport: Amsterdam


To benefit from the discount, access discounted fares HERE and enter the event ID code 39082AF.